
Global computer manufacturers to attack by hackers to attack frenzy

Recent rampant hacking "terrorist attacks" have wholesale baby monitor added a new victim, since the Japanese game company Sega was wholesale car recorder last week hacking leaked information led to 1.3 million users, the Taiwanese computer manufacturer BenQ official website was hacked. It is understood that the hacker access to the server the highest authority, does not rule out the possibility of disclosure of customer information.

Since April this year, hackers around the world launched
wholesale ebook reader a fierce attack on the Japanese Sony Corporation has repeatedly attack, resulting in its well-known series of wholesale Android Tablets  Play Station game exposed a lot of user information; Coincidentally, another Japanese game console, Nintendo of America branch server has also been hacking and information leading to the player drain.

The attack also includes Bethesda (Fallout 3 developers), Codemasters ("dust" manufacturer), Epic Games
wholesale baby monitor(Unreal series manufacturer). And the BenQ attacked, showing the range of hacker attacks from the game makers have been extended to the global computer manufacturers.
One familiar with the matter said, it is clear enough in the industry these companies complained to the U.S. Department wholesale baby monitor of Justice. And "Business Weekly" wholesale car recorder quoted some of the executives as saying that Google also gives those who comply with its rules of chip and device manufacturers on favorable terms, so that they will Android products to market competition a head start. 

However, Google Andr wholesale ebook reader oid operating system's business model is to serve for traffic (this service is usually bound with smart phones), and from these services advertising revenue. With the mobile phone manufacturers and mobile network production and support of Android phones, but more and more and other companies signed an agreement (such as Vezizon Bing search engine with the Microsoft agreement), resulting in missed Google's operating system to recover its investment opportunities.

"Business Weekly" reports that Google has wholesale baby monitor  informed the relevant mobile phone wholesale Android Tablets manufacturers, custom cell phone company will refuse access to the latest Andr oid operating system updates, this confirms the earlier ban on the run Android2.0 version of the Tablet PC for future upgrades to optimize the operating system version 3.0 reports.


Brand price book together

Represented in the Apple iPad tablet under the impact of a few days ago, the leading e-book technology Hanwang wholesale baby monitor first price cut, cut its product prices generally, a drop of 15% -40%, a 6-inch screen, only the lowest electronic paper book to be wholesale car recorder 599 yuan. Yesterday, the reporter visited Yangzhou electronics stores found that in order to meet the summer market, the major brands have also e-book price.

HW first price cut, sales rise more than a year ago, e-book or a 3,000 yuan will frequently "gift." However, yesterday, wholesale ebook reader the reporter visited the city electronic stores found that two thousand dollars of the book has been hard to find tracks, the main selling e-book store where prices are in thousand dollars less. Yangzhou Hanwang electronic paper book in the store, manager Luwen Hu told reporters that Kingship is the first significant reduction in the price of the book vendors, the company announced May 17 its e-book prices across the board cut of 15% -40% the cheapest product for only 599 yuan. As for price reasons, Luwen Hu admitted that, at present, the thousand or so tablet biggest impact on e-books.

"Price, the product sales wholesale Android Tablets increased by 20%." Luwen Hu said, and now the weekly trading volume in more than 20. "According to Lu Wenhu expected, e-books will also usher in a selling climax in the summer.Reporters visited found that not only "HW", Newman, Song of America, Patriot, OPPO brands such as e-books to follow suit and cut prices. Xia Hongshun City agent for a number of Galaxy brand electronic books. She told reporters, "I'm here, agents Newman, patriot, Song of America and other brands of e-books, the price has ranged from $ 100-200."

The brand and the comparison, OPPO is still waiting to see. OPPO Agency in Yangzhou, the reporter saw, OPPO only e-book E601 price 1999 yuan. Qiu said the owner, "over two months may be lower prices."

Round of price cuts, the market for e-book of geometry? What will the future prospects of e-books? Yesterday, the industry said, long battery life books, non-reflective sunlight readable, low-E and other advantages of the Tablet PC unattainable. Overall, the book market is a bright future. "The price cuts to further spread of e-books, consumer
wholesale baby monitor groups to expand the product is good." But he also expressed concern that "in this round of price cuts, some books below cost sales of brand behavior , will destroy the normal market price rule. "


Facebook and even Google can put a corner

Although on the surface: Google is dominating the search industry, Facebook is the main social, Amazon housekeeping wholesale baby monitor of e-commerce, Apple good play equipment. However, wholesale car recorder because behind the interest, they are intertwined with each other with cross-border, and their contradictory to, the cross-border from their mutual junction. The separation is different from the traditional four kings four areas, coordinated operations between the new four kings is from the heart in the eyes of competing with each other among the PK.

And they are now the focus of the war, wholesale baby monitor is cloud computing. But on the ambiguous relationship between the mall like a battlefield, that sentence also exists - wholesale ebook reader there is no permanent enemies, no permanent friends. Apple received from the Google Maps service support, and renewal of the map and search for agreement; while Google and from Facebook get social data to help improve their products; and Facebook and from the Amazon to bring its account at the Amazon link, and When shopping for Amazon to provide recommendations on Facebook friends, allowing users to create personal and exclusive product recommendation page, work together to build social shopping; and even, as a direct competitor with Amazon and Apple have teamed on several best-selling book e-book version, take a unified approach to improve pricing, high profits. On the other hand, Amazon on the iPhone platform to launch its own Kindle software.

Among these, as they criss-cross the wholesale baby monitor complex relationship between, like a wholesale Android Tablets giant overpass like, staggered interpretation. Read Qiong Yao series of friends, some of the more complex the site the "People" diagram, very familiar. New four kings who lived in this complex all day long on the ecological environment. Google's Achilles heel! Rivers and lakes, and circulating this statement: Your biggest advantage is often the biggest drawback. Google these words used in the body, called a quasi!  


The establishment of special database, wholesale Android Tablets carrying out special services, which is data and information department of the press focus on the future work. Features database of information resources is developed based on the content of the topic has a unique database of information on the history of the newspaper department has done work in this area. Zhejiang Daily, for example, has invested a lot of manpower to do Room feature newspaper clippings, which is the prototype of the modern project database, covering: two special scissors, cut special characters, places special scissors, cut post-history, historical sites, resources development, etc. . Every time a major newspaper reported that task, the data accumulated over the years specifically for the editorial department of shear provides a rich background material for journalists and also provides many valuable news tips. 

 With the continuous development of journalism, wholesale Android Tablets the database with new and higher requirements, the previous paper-based materials designed shear press Android Tablets and publication has been unable to adapt to modern needs, timeliness is poor, it reduced the number of limited value in use. Therefore, the modern project database via the Internet will become the newspaper group information sector in the future focus of the work, which is characterized by more focused, timely, and has a mass of information. This special cut by hand with the previous data is not comparable. For example, "3.11" earthquake in Japan, news features, you can bring together international and domestic news media, all of this earthquake, tsunami reported comments, while another subject can be derived: Fukushima nuclear disasters. If conditions permit, you can also join the TV video feature, which formed a complete information database.
Similarly, we can also do special characters,
wholesale Android Tablets special databases and other social events. Because computer technology support, a flood of news reports can be produced to complete project database, which is the general direction of the newspaper data and information management.