
The establishment of special database, wholesale Android Tablets carrying out special services, which is data and information department of the press focus on the future work. Features database of information resources is developed based on the content of the topic has a unique database of information on the history of the newspaper department has done work in this area. Zhejiang Daily, for example, has invested a lot of manpower to do Room feature newspaper clippings, which is the prototype of the modern project database, covering: two special scissors, cut special characters, places special scissors, cut post-history, historical sites, resources development, etc. . Every time a major newspaper reported that task, the data accumulated over the years specifically for the editorial department of shear provides a rich background material for journalists and also provides many valuable news tips. 

 With the continuous development of journalism, wholesale Android Tablets the database with new and higher requirements, the previous paper-based materials designed shear press Android Tablets and publication has been unable to adapt to modern needs, timeliness is poor, it reduced the number of limited value in use. Therefore, the modern project database via the Internet will become the newspaper group information sector in the future focus of the work, which is characterized by more focused, timely, and has a mass of information. This special cut by hand with the previous data is not comparable. For example, "3.11" earthquake in Japan, news features, you can bring together international and domestic news media, all of this earthquake, tsunami reported comments, while another subject can be derived: Fukushima nuclear disasters. If conditions permit, you can also join the TV video feature, which formed a complete information database.
Similarly, we can also do special characters,
wholesale Android Tablets special databases and other social events. Because computer technology support, a flood of news reports can be produced to complete project database, which is the general direction of the newspaper data and information management.

