
ORNL’s Internet access delayed amid cyber threat

Barbara Penland of ORNL’s public affairs office earlier indicated that the Internet might be available today, then shifted the date to Monday before changing it again. The latest postponement, she said, is due to “an abundance of caution” in dealing with this threat.wholesale Android Tablets

A team of experts, including representatives from Los Alamos National Laboratory and other government sites, as well as computer companies, is coordinating actions to make sure threats are removed or under control before resuming normal activities.wholesale ebook reader

A special scanning station was set up to scan and clean laptops for off-site use, as well as evaluate removable media — such as thumb-drives — that are leaving the lab to make sure they aren’t infected with “attack signatures.”wholesale car recorder

“Once the laptop is scanned and cleaned, it will be blocked from reconnecting to the ORNL network until longer-term recovery actions are completed,” the lab said in a fact sheet for employees.

Also, the lab warned, “To prevent potential re-infection, wholesale baby monitor thumb-drives that have been cleaned should not be reinserted into computers connected to the ORNL network .”

ORNL was victimized by what’s been described as a highly sophisticated and aggressive cyber attack, known as an Advanced Persistent Threat.

External email was restored late Tuesday, with some limitations, and on Thursday lab employees were given permission to use their Blackberries and smartphones for checking email but not for connecting to the Internet.wholesale netbook online

ORNL employees have been assured that no safety systems were compromised. The lab also said there was no reason to believe that employees’ personal information had been stolen.wholesale car accessories

