
SETI Shuts Down Search for Alien Life Due to Lack of Funding

The SETI institute has hibernated its Allen Telescope Array, which scans the sky for clues on extraterrestrial life, wholesale car accessories due to lack of funding.wholesale cool gadgets

The telescope array, which consists of 42 20-foot-wide telescopes spread across a field 300 miles north of San Francisco,wholesale Android Tablets was originally funded largely by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who donated $25 million to the project. However, state budget cuts have all but halted the project, which will for the time being be unavailable for normal use and run by a significantly reduced staff.

The shutdown is (hopefully) only temporary, as the institute tries to collect the $5 million it needs to restore operation, wholesale ebook reader which is planned to happen in 2013.

The name SETI has become synonymous with search for extraterrestrial life in geek culture. wholesale spy camerca Thousands of users participate in SETI@home, the part of the project which requires donating the CPU processing power of your computer to help interpret the vast amount of data collected by SETI’s telescopes.wholesale car recorder

