
Samsung Droid Charge, white iPhone 4: Tech Specs Sheet, LTE versus design

Verizon’s Samsung Droid Charge and Apple’s white iPhone 4 tech specs sheet that you need to see before buying.wholesale Android Tablets
Today is the release date of two high-end smartphones, the Samsung Droid Charge and the white-colored iPhone 4.

The Samsung Droid Charge is the second-LTE enabled smartphone of Verizon Wireless, packed with 1 GHz single core processor, 8 megapixel camera for shooting HD videos and capturing quality still shots, and supports mobile hotspotting of up to 10 WiFi enabled devices.wholesale ebook reader

Meanwhile, the white iPhone 4 is the latest product of Apple available via AT&T and Verizon. wholesale electronics The new iPhone 4′s specs is the same as the black iPhone 4, so the only difference is the packaging of the device.wholesale car recorder

Still undecided if what’s the perfect phone for you? wholesale netbook Well, see our little tech specs sheet to quickly compare the two devices. One of the biggest advantages of the Samsung Droid Charge is the LTE support. Apparently, the Long Term Evolution is faster (way faster) than the regular 3G CDMA speed. Design-wise, I think Apple’s iPhone 4 is still better.wholesale baby monitor

