
Competition for low-end market, industry-strand breaks

E-book price is a good thing, content to make money is inevitable. Electronic reader industry tie-mode, for the first time minimize costs, expenses wholesale baby monitor and the first follow-up costs than the optimization. However, the domestic status quo is no small manufacturers directly to the content, wholesale car recorder large companies such as Shanda, HW Although electronic bookstore, but quite solid foundation.

It is understood that the present wholesale ebook reader book Bambook Kam profits depend on the contents of the main charges, which charges eBooks, grand shell Team, Bambook books downloaded over 10 million, of which 70% of Internet books. The grand, though Shanda has announced the opening of their own content platform, but as a network cloud Bookstore literary fortune, just look on the computer does not matter if it took a few hundred pieces to buy a special reader to see the network literature through the novel, which large ones is not right.

Present is the era of content consumption, wholesale Android Tablets  electronic reading device manufacturers need to understand is that the user is not because the electronic reader instead of buying expensive, but because both the purchase of any one of the electronic reader, love of books through its e-book can not be City to find the content they want. Thus, the purchase of electronic readers just as a consumer, the follow-up value of the weak.

If the market can successfully activate
wholesale baby monitor the e-reader or have the opportunity, then, the electronic reader attracted by the price cut the user group will also send in handy. This is the best achievable price effect.

