
From the demand point of view, the Chinese mainland market, rather their own characteristics, TDK is tailored

As a center of electronic products, TDK is already involved in the China market, in Suzhou, Dongguan set up their own anechoic chamber in China, wholesale baby monitor has built a total of 69 anechoic chamber.

From the demand point of view, wholesale car recorder the Chinese mainland market, rather their own characteristics, TDK is tailored. "Anechoic chamber about 10m into law to be 15 million yuan to 2000 yuan, the current TDK anechoic chamber in China's demand is also concentrated in the first, such as China Institute of Metrology, China Electronics Standardization Institute, China Automotive Technology and Research Center wholesale ebook reader official certification and research institutions, because the test more products, more extensive field testing, while TDK to meet the needs of a variety of product testing. the second is related businesses, such as Chinese companies need to do some testing EMC testing of electronic products, as well as foreign companies and other R & D central part of the construction of a large anechoic chamber. the third is related to the University. "Xue Jin said.

As China has become the
wholesale baby monitor electronic manufacturing country, China's market demand for the anechoic chamber is increasingly bullish. Shozo Masuda said, the demand for Chinese anechoic chamber with 10 years ago has wholesale Android Tablets  grown five-fold, and soon the demand will be flat with Japan, and even expected to overtake Japan next year. "TDK will continue to strengthen in Dongguan and Suzhou, the determination of service, and increase the anechoic chamber to promote efforts to promote its consumer electronics, automotive, medical, and smart grid and new energy fields in the application." Shozo Masuda expressed TDK's determination to expand the China market.

