
Cooperation with Samsung and other manufacturers? HP open access WebOS

Summit in China HP, Hewlett-Packard CEO Leo Apotheker said, WebOS system will be an open platform, if they wish to develop the wholesale baby monitor WebOS and Hewlett-Packard Company, HP is willing to become his partner. It is understood that a lot of companies are HP and consultation, consultation on how to develop WebOS.

WebOS a development system, OEM wholesale car recorder manufacturers will provide a new option, a Windows Phone 7 and an alternative to Android, it is understood that HP hopes to challenge Apple's WebOS to become a new platform, the system can be used in smart phones and tablet device. Named Shaw Wu from wholesale ebook reader Agee & Leach analyst with the consulting firm, said, "While HP's idea is very good, but the reality is that Google and Apple are still in a leadership position, the user will be in the hands of  money to invest in carrying Android and iOS system products above. "The industry believes that HP and HP open WebOS possible declines in overall performance, HP is opening up access WebOS hope to restore some
wholesale baby monitor of the losses in such a way, of course, there is news, WebOS systems inform the management, control experience is also has its own advantages. 

Informed sources have revealed that Samsung will wholesale Android Tablets  use the next generation GALAXY Tab above WebOS system. However, HP executives Jon Rubinstein said, "HP hopes to work with other companies to develop the WebOS system, wholesale baby monitor but HP does not want to see their system just outside of Android or Windows Phone 7's second choice, we hope to become partners WebOS smart phone market in the main development of the object, not the second or third, but HP is acceptable partner in the development of the WebOS while developing other smart systems. "

